Hello, hello! :)
First of all, I would like to say that now everybody can comment on the posts! A friend of mine informed me that he couldn't comment, so I made the necessary changes to the settings! DONE!
Now,what I would like to talk about today is authenticity. This is a very special term for me. It comes from the greek work αυθεντικός (authentikos), which means original. According to wikipedia, the word refers to the truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions.
Unfortunately, today most of us are "obliged" by society to wear different masks..everyday! In the office, with the friends, with the significant other, with acquaintances, with strangers... But like this, it is highly possible that we get used to be a different person and that we forget what we really are, how we really want to behave, how we really would like the others to remember us. . .
I made all these thoughts by this picture I saw today on the web. This quote is so true.
Everybody can recollect of persons who try to hide so obviously their true selves. This does not leave a good impression for sure. We feel that these individuals are fake. But why they act like this? Don't they like themselves? Do they think society will not accept them as they really are? I don't know... I would like your input in that!
However, what I do believe is that Earth has 7 billion people!! I am sure someone will be like me and will not find me odd (well, at least not completely! :P). On the same time, I feel that by being ME and just myself, I can contribute my originality to this world...my ideas, my creativity, my dreams! And by saying me, I mean YOU, I mean US, the human species.
Everybody is so different, but at the same time so similar! Why not use these synergies to create something good? Why should we hide behind masks that society imposes?
Can you recollect of a person who is trully original? How do you feel when you are around such people? I feel great! =) I feel like I "invest" my time and not just spend it talking with a fake person for fake situations... For me, it's a bless to have such people around you! =) And that's how I would like to be perceived by others, as a person that deserves their time!
What about you?
Have you made your choice?