Monday, 24 October 2011


a Portuguese and Galician word for a feeling of nostagic longing for something or someone that one was fond of and which has been lost. It often carries a fatalist tone and a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never really return. It was once described as "the love that remains" or "the love that stays" after someone is gone. (source)

.   .   .  

Preethi had to leave back to India as her Postgraduate Visa was due. She first arrived in Uk three years ago to study a Master's degree. She did her Master's and at the same time she created a whole new life here..friends, job, appartment.

Have you ever experienced the departure of someone special for you?

Nadia left,as well, two years ago. She decided to go back to Jordan not because of Visa requirements (she is half Brittish anyways), but because she wanted to go back where she was born. She, too, left a whole life (12 years) and had to start all over... new friends, job, house.

It is always hard, isn't it?

One of the most difficult processes one has to pass is to say goodbye to a very good friend. And it is hard for both the person who leaves and the one who stays back. The hardest part is not that specific moment of 'goodbye' that can be easily faked behind a 'statuesque' smile. It's the conceptualisation that nothing will be the same again..and this is a whole process. Allow me to explain...

Monday, 3 October 2011

Laughing Out Loudly

Hello world!
I hope life is treating you well :)

Today, I would like to share with you my thoughts about laughing, laughing out loud! A friend of mine, PJ, is giggling half of the day and she inspired me to write this post! :)

How many times a day do you smile? How many times do you realy laugh?

Did you know that laughter reduces the stress hormones and increases the number of antibody-producing cells? Are you aware that laughter is contagious and by bringing more laughter in your life, you, also, improve the mood of those around you?

Photo Source: 
As Milton Brene once said "Laughter is an instant vacation" and it trully is! When we laugh, we don't think about any problems, any difficulties! When we are rolling in the aisles, we just enjoy the moment; we feel stress no more, we are happy! 

For me the best laugh is the one that comes from the heart! It leaves you in a state of euphoria, like you have just meditated! This type of laugh is easily observed in little children, who are giggling with almost everything they see! : ) : ) Well, I guess we should learn from those little angels and invite some laughter in our life!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Hidden truths in forgotten bags

Have you ever used a bag after a long time ago?

Isn't it great when you find that pen you were looking for everywhere, or that small notebook? Have you ever found money and felt 'wow, that's a gift'!?  I really enjoy it when it happens! :)

Well, some months ago, I started using again a white handbag I have got (since it was summer!). Inside, I found a lot of interesting objects (like a keychain!). However, when I unzipped the inner pocket, I discovered some forgotten post-it notes, on which I used to write down my thoughts one year ago - whenever I did not have any notebook with me.One specific note draw my attention:

"Two people reach the massive forest which is run through by the river Amazon.
One of them open his hands and feels he is the king of the world, since he managed to reach this place.The other one, open his hands too, but he feels he is a tiny piece of the amazing cosmos.

I value and appreciate both of them."

I remember very well when I wrote down this quote one year ago; I wanted to give merit to diversity.There are different personalities in the world and people react different in similar situations. Nevertheless, every single person is valuable and has lessons to teach and to be taught.

Today, I feel it is time to enhance my story with the 'lessons' of the year passed. That is,

I can see a third person, who reaches this forest by the river Amazon and feels like ... home. 

No feelings of awe, of pride, or of fear. Just appreciation of the beautiful nature. An internal feeling of warmth; inspiration. Inspiration that can be transformed into action. Not loudly or swaggeringly, but silently and peacefully. Action that could be depicted in a drawing, written in a book, sung with a song...

What images an apricot can bring to mind?

Today, I would like to share with you a short film written and directed by Ben Briand. You may find it at Vimeo by clicking here.

Apart from being an excellent artwork (in my opinion at least!), it is a great narrative that explains that we shouldn't take anything for granted and that..who knows with whom we will be having a coffee in 10 or 20 years time... 

Enjoy life! :)

Sunday, 28 August 2011

The battle of the sexes, Volume 1!

I named this post "Volume 1", as I know more will come regarding this subject!

Today, I just would like to post a quote I stumbled upon the web:

A woman came out of a man's rib,
Not from his feet to be walked on,
Not from his head to be superior over,
But from his side to be equal. 
Under his arm to be protected
& next to his heart to be loved.

This quote is attributed to the Hebrew Talmud.
Although a short parable, it captures exactly the female nature!!

Equal, protected and loved...succinct but full of meaning! : )

Have a nice day, everybody!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Have you fed your soul lately?

Hello! :)

I was wondering do we feed our soul?
I think there are a lot of different ways, but one of them is a r t ! :)

Have you been occupied with something artistic lately? For instance, you could draw a painting, write a song, take some photos, decorate your room...

For me, art is to do something in a different way than everybody else does.. to give a different meaning to objects & actions that seem ordinary to other people... For instance, you could tidy your clothes in your closet in such a creative way, that you feel there's a touch of art there! :)

Instead of doing repeated, everyday movements for ordinary habits, you may want to put some colour in your life! In this way, life does not go by thoughtlessly, but you feel everyday you have done something different for you! Of course, at work or at other responsibilities, a big percentage of us are 'obliged' to do something different or extraordinary.. but what about our personal life? What about the time when we are just with ourselves?

Do you spend time with yourself? Doing something you really enjoy and not only 'survival' movements, such as showering, brushing your teeth and eating breakfast?!
Sometimes, when I forget to feed my soul... routine makes me feel 'un-human', a robot!
The best remedy is to do something 'artistic' everyday. Even cooking could be art, if you don't see it only as a 'survival' action! : )

If you are afraid/shy and don't know how to start, why don't you get yourselves inspired? Read books, listen to the music, go to art galleries.... this time, though, the aim will not be to fill  your spare time but to find your muse, to get inspired!

Apart from the above, I find inspiration in 'real' persons and in 'real' feelings...have you ever thought to draw the feeling of anxiety you have before a very important meeting? It could be so nice, that you may even like to frame it! :) Have you ever thought to create a dish that will express your feelings for another person? I bet the result will be amazing and even the greatest chefs will be jealous!

So, go ahead and try! : ) Feed your soul today with some art!

Monday, 22 August 2011

This is not a love story, it is a story about Love.

Once upon a time, all human feelings and qualities gathered in one corner of the world. When Boredom yawned the third time, Insanity suggested: "Let's play hide and seek!". Intrigue raised it’s eyebrow intrigued, and Curiosity without contain, asked: "Hide and seek? How do you play that?". Insanity explained that she will close her eyes and count to a million, while the rest will run to hide.

Enthusiasm danced enthusiastically together with Euphoria, while Happiness gave so many leaps that ended up convincing even Doubt. Only Apathy, who was never interested in anything, refused to participate in the game. Truth decided not to hide, since in the end it is always found; Pride thought it as a foolish game (it actually bothered her that the idea wasn't hers) and Cowardice didn't want to risk.

-One, two, three.... Insanity started to count. 

The first one to hide was Laziness, who let her self fall to the first rock on the way. Faith rose and hid in heaven and Envy hid in the shade of Triumph, who all by itself climbed to the top of the tallest tree.

Nobleness couldn't find quickly a good spot, because every spot it found was perfect for its friends:
A crystal clear lake for Beauty.
Cleft of the tree for Fear.
Butterfly wing for Sensuality.
A whiff of breeze for Liberty.
In the end, Nobleness hid in a sun ray.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Fairness and love

When I was a kid, I used to be very fair-minded. I used to base my relationships in justice, as I thought that is the best way to deal with people and situations. Innocent and pure at heart, as I was, I could not understand why individuals act in a non-fair way. For instance, I could not understand why my mother was spending only little amount of her time praising my good marks and so much of her time trying to help my brother to raise his marks.

One summer night, while I was in children' camp, my team leader and me had a very nice chat. During that conversation, I remember, she turned to me and said: "Margie, you spend too much time being fair and you forget about love". I was shocked! I couldn't believe that someone could perceive me as a non that loving person! In reality I knew I was caring and loving from inside, but after reflecting on her words, I could understand what she wanted to say to me. A whole new world appeared in front of me!

Love is discriminatory. One should not treat an acquaintance in the same way as a friend. One should not treat his/her significant other in the same way as someone else. Love forgives and love spoils. This is not necessarily good nor is bad. It is just the way it is... That night I realised that my preoccupation to be objective and fair did not allow me to treat the people I loved, with love! Which means that ultimately I was being unfair to them!

What I decided from that time was to be fair in the way I show my love to other people!  For my beloved ones I spend much more time/effort/attention than for acquaintances. I am more willing to do sacrifices for them, fight for them and I do forgive them more easily! :)

Of course, the circle of beloved ones is is a two way process, in which you both receive and send back love. Undoubtedly, disappointments do exist. I do encounter people that let me down, but, on the other hand, my cute bunch of beloved ones have not! :) Don't they deserve a special treatment? I believe that the ones they do, they will not get spoiled; they will just appreciate. As I appreciate their love as well.

We have a set amount of energy and time everyday. May it be spent wisely.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

A quick game for today!

Hi everybody  : ) 

today I think we should nurture our mind and soul with something entertaining! 

SO below you will find a find-a-word crossword!

What you have to do? You need to find 3 words! Any words! 

These words are the ones that describe your psychological condition right now!

Did it work? 

I think for me it did! :P When I played this game two days ago,the first words I found were "leave", "rage" & "passion". And I was feeling exactly like this!! I wanted to go on holidays, I was angry with a situation and passionate with my work!

So, as soon as I realised that, I asked myself all these 'why' questions.. 'why you want to go on holidays?', 'why you are angry with this?', 'why you love your work?'..

'Whys' are tricky, since they allow you to think about the cause! Is that cause important for you? If yes, then you are on the right track! If no, then why bother? :))) 

Monday, 11 July 2011

Do you want to succeed?

Maybe you are wondering how some people are able always to make it!
How come some individuals always find a way (a decent and fair way) to achieve their goals? To succeed??
I think the attribute that they possess more than others is called

d e t e r m i n a t i o n

These people are determined to reach their goal no matter how difficult it is, no matter what they have to sacrifice! But, be careful! 
If you want to be like them and toachieve your objectives always you need to make sure:
a. To prioritise correctly. Just because an activity is more important for others, this doesn't mean it is as important for you!
b. To sacrifice other things. A day has 24 hours and they are enough to do our first priorities. 

So, if you really want to perform well at work, you may need to spend some more hours there until you learn to do some activities automatically. If you want to become an excellent salsa dancer, you need to go to the lessons every single time and decline any other invitations from friends that specific day. Similarly, if you want to pass your exams with a very good mark, you need to invest quite a substantial amount of time studying.This means sharing less time with friends, watching films, etc.

But, will you?? You need to think very well what makes you happy! And that should be your first priority! =))

And don't cheat! I mean what makes you happy in the long term! Make sacrifices for what or for whom is worth making sacrifices for!
I am very sure that while you are reading this, you have just had in mind one activity/person/thing that should be your priority! : )

Go for it!


And me, I will give you this motivational quote as a pat on the back! So far it is the most encouraging quote I have ever seen.. it is written by Matthew Napier, who also holds a blogspot account.

The quote 
tells you why he succeeds...that's determination, isn't it?! 

What about you? 

I suggest you come back to this post, every now and then, to get some boost for your motivation! :))  

Now, that you found your priority, are you determined? Take a deep breath...GO! ! !

You 're gonna make it!

Quote in Black Font written by Matthew Napier:

Friday, 8 July 2011

Are you the artist of your own life?

Good morning! :))

It's been a week since my last post, but now I have been inspired again and "I will write all down", as Shakespeare said in his Cymbeline II. =)

Yesterday, Maya Aggelou, an American author and poet, posted on her facebook status: "Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realized that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art". Wow!! What a quote!! 
Indeed, life is an adventure, our own one. We are the ones that decide if we will use crayons or watercolours. We may not get the colour we thought we would, but it's in our will to appreciate the new, 'unexpected' colour, find it beautiful or hate it forever. 

They say that an artist finds beautiful what everybody else finds it weird..and this could be an image, a song, a feeling, even an experience. We don't have to regret about past mistakes in our life- they taught us a lot.. actually never encounter them as mistakes..they are opportunities to fully experience life! =)
With the above quote, I feel that Maya Aggelou urges us not to be afraid to live! She invites us to experience life without fears,  to write our own song lyrics and sing it in our own special way. An artist experiences days of inspiration and flow, and days filled with boredom, without any ideas or motivation. And that is o.k. =) Artists know that inspiration comes and goes, like a life cycle..

I conclude with a quote from Seneca: "The whole future lies in uncertainty. Live immediately". So, till the next time, treat life as art - live imnmediately! : )

Thursday, 30 June 2011

What is that?

Ok, today I have been writing a lot for my PhD (yeap, I do one of this!) so I want to share with you a short-film of 5:31 minutes without comments. .

I will let you make your own thoughts, draw your own conclusions, but I am sure the film will make you look at things quite differently!

Till the next time.. enjoy life! : )

Monday, 27 June 2011

Take off your masks, now!

Hello, hello! :)

First of all, I would like to say that now everybody can comment on the posts! A friend of mine informed me that he couldn't comment, so I made the necessary changes to the settings! DONE! 

Now,what I would like to talk about today is authenticity. This is a very special term for me. It comes from the greek work αυθεντικός (authentikos), which means original. According to wikipedia, the word refers to the truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions.

Unfortunately, today most of us are "obliged" by society to wear different masks..everyday! In the office, with the friends, with the significant other, with acquaintances, with strangers... But like this, it is highly possible that we get used to be a different person and that we forget what we really are, how we really want to behave, how we really would like the others to remember us. . . 

I made all these thoughts by this picture I saw today on the web. This quote is so true.

Everybody can recollect of persons who try to hide so obviously their true selves. This does not leave a good impression for sure. We feel that these individuals are fake. But why they act like this? Don't they like themselves? Do they think society will not accept them as they really are? I don't know... I would like your input in that!

However, what I do believe is that Earth has 7 billion people!! I am sure someone will be like me and will not find me odd (well, at least not completely! :P). On the same time, I feel that by being ME and just myself, I can contribute my originality to this ideas, my creativity, my dreams! And by saying me, I mean YOU, I mean US, the human species. 

Everybody is so different, but at the same time so similar! Why not use these synergies to create something good? Why should we hide behind masks that society imposes? 

Can you recollect of a person who is trully original? How do you feel when you are around such people? I feel great! =) I feel like I "invest" my time and not just spend it talking with a fake person for fake situations... For me, it's a bless to have such people around you! =) And that's how I would like to be perceived by others, as a person that deserves their time!

What about you? 

Have you made your choice?

Monday, 20 June 2011

I hope you dance!

Do you like dancing? I love it! : )

Today though, I will talk about another dance.. the dance of LIFE! =) 
And I will talk through the lyrics of a song, as it describes exactly how I feel people should deal with the ups and downs of their life. :)

This version is performed by Ronan Keating. Songwriters: Sanders, Mark D. and Sillers, Tia.

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat, but always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
and when you get the choice to sit it out or dance,
I hope you dance, I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking
Loving might be a mistake but it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out, reconsider
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance,
I hope you dance (time is a wheel in constant motion always)
I hope you dance (rolling us along)
I hope you dance (tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder)
I hope you dance (where those years have gone)

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance,

Dance! ! ! I hope you Dance,
I hope you dance (time is wheel in constant motion always)
I hope you dance (rolling us along)
I hope you dance (tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder)
I hope you dance (where those years have gone)
(tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder) 
(where those years have gone)

Saturday, 18 June 2011

True Love

Yesterday, I saw a quote that made me think about a conversation I had some time ago with a very good friend  of I decided to visualise it and upload it on the internet!

In true love you get immediately in love, then you fight, you get together, you fight endless process... of making your significant other aware that! : )

I remember, when I was a kid, I used to get sad when my parents were fighting. I always used to go in the middle and tell them "Stop fighting!". Then, my mum was giving me the same answer every time: "We don't fight, sweetheart; that's how we show that we love each other" (!!!). I could never understand it...but now it makes sense somehow! : )

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Are you doing what you would like to do?

Good morning!! :))

How is life? Are you very busy working? DO you feel you have no time for anything you would like to do? That is so NOT true!! Maybe today you could spend only 5 minutes doing a small, little thing you always wanted! I can hear you lauging at my face.."Just 5 min?", you ask. Yeap, DO it!! 

Friday, 3 June 2011

Small Pleasures


I am back again and today's post is dedicated to my best friend Nina and to my dad! :) Both of them had a surgery within the week and both of them are thousands of miles away...they are fine, now, and I hope they will get well soon! :)

For today, I have prepared a short - 5 minutes- film about a boy leaving in a country far far away...
This video may allow us to see our wonderful lives in a different way... It doesn't matter if you split your coffee on your shirt or if you broke your leg and now it is swollen... these are ways to experience life in its real sense!

Enjoy! :)

Directed by: Constantin Pilavios
Written by: Despina Ladi

Thursday, 2 June 2011

My first Blog!

So here we go... I finally made the first step towards creating a blog I always wanted!
I am glad for that. :)
Purpose of this blog is to offer some short of inspiration, a bit of a hope, a pat on the back! 
How I am thinking to do this? Photos, quotes, videos and speeches will help me put a smile on your face :) and ignite your heart! <3

I would love to receive your comments and have fertile discussions on the various topics! I promise - it will be fun! :)

Of course, I am more than happy to receive any suggestions and why not, requests!

For the time, enjoy the photo from which I inspired the name of this blog!

I found it on and I believe it is so true! Everytime I do something creative (or at least I see it in this way!) I feel it's a bit of art.. a bit of a 'new way of seeing things'. This helps me a lot to take away any stress, bad feelings or insomnia I may have!

ART washes from the SOUL the dust of everyday LIFE... that's what I would like to do with my blog as well! : ) 

Till the next time, I hope you will put a bit more art in your everyday life. 
Go on and feel more precious! :)