Sunday 1 June 2014

Teach me how to let go

I keep a notebook, where I write ideas about blogging and while there were a lot of these ideas written down, I had no power to write in the past year or so, the muse did not visit me and I was stuck in the peculiar, the everyday, the little things, the wrong emotions.

As far as I remember, it all started in the summer of 2012 - the starting point of a series of events that were unexpectedly horrific and to a certain extent distressing. Slowly but steadily I could not enjoy anything, as I was too preoccupied with being worried. The more worried I was, the more things were going wrong. I even reached the point where I could predict how people would hurt me. People kept on failing me in both professional and personal life and I was so easily manipulated by their emotions. For example, when my friend X was happy we could enjoy a nice conversation and I was happy too. Then, my friend X would become rude to me out of the sudden and I would get hurt and become sad. I could not believe why people need to behave in such ways…what’s the whole point of living an inauthentic life after all? Trying to be an optimist in the greatest pessimistic period of my life, I was thinking of my “Hall of Fame” people, i.e. my boyfriend, my best friends and family, and that’s how I kept going.  Quotes did help too. Winston Churchill once said “If you go through Hell, keep going”. And so did I. 

One day, I was talking to my best friend, Nina, and I told her “Nina, what I really desire is to become this calm and serene person who will be so kind and give so much love to everybody, without being hurt by deleterious and harmful behaviours - just keep being in a positive state of calmness.”

And that was my first step to a better, more informed me. While until then, I could not believe how people could have behaved in the past, that was the time when I accepted that the past year was quite ugly. Worse than what others may have experienced, but also better than many others too. And then, I was grateful. I was grateful for all the good people in my life, my good health, my inner strength… I was grateful for so many and so much!

Of course things did not become suddenly amazing nor am I at the moment the calmest person on earth. The same people kept on behaving in the same way, and while I knew that I needed to change my attitude in order to become the person I aspired to be, I did not know how. I thought to stop talking to them. Yet, I couldn’t. With some people you have to keep a relationship, be that professional reasons, be that social pressure. Then I thought not to care about them. But that’s not who I am. The authentic me always cares, always gives.

Being trained in identifying patterns as a researcher, I start noticing that two specific words kept on appearing everyday around me: in discussions, talks, blogs and even songs. The more these words were appearing, the more I realised that the key towards achieving my goal for inner happiness was to “let go”. Letting go of the bad experiences, the sad feelings, the deleterious relationships. So I start reading, researching and reflecting on ways to let go. As soon as I had something concrete, something –indeed- helpful, I thought I should write it down – in that way, I could also help others in this process. 
I opened my notebook after a year to write down these ideas.

Flicked through the very last written page and to my amazement, I read: 

“Write a blog about letting go”. 

I could not believe in my eyes! A year ago, I have written down my spiritual lesson, the key for my freedom. And then I forgot all about it.  
Oh fruitful journey, inspiring and glorious life, how blessed am I to have been given such a practical experience for such a post. How grateful am I for the past, for the good and the ugly, for such a wonderful lesson.

I am all content and happy and my authentic me; loving life and the people in it.

What’s next? To write that blog post, finally... it's coming soon! :)


Photo Sources:
1. Unsplash
2. Unsplash 


  1. There is so much that needs to be let gone. Every single day. Sometimes having a child helps: Let everything else go, what really matters is the child. But then, why keep the weight on your shoulders? Well said "With some people you have to keep a relationship"... Margie, you are really lucky to be the person you are! Don't let "deleterious" people help you. The first to be hurt by their poison is themselves.
    PS: Boo is expecting you!

    1. Thank you, darling... :) I can't wait to see Boo too!!! Nona is coming!!! xxx

  2. Bravo sou!!! A gratitude journal will help you. Write down five things every nite....that you were grateful for in the day. It can be ANYTHING....especially little things that make you smile or feel good. This practice helps you to focus on positive things and after awhile of doing should help any negativity go away. Also, you have to remember....when people say's THEIR business...NOT yours!!! It's a hard practice to learn.....though if you keep finding things to be grateful for, and try not to let anything anyone says bother'll be on to finding and living the authentic you!! :)

    1. Susan, thanks so much for this! I think a gratitude journal is a wonderful idea!! It helps grow inner strength, which in turn helps in neglecting others' negative energy! I do it more or less everyday verbally, but writing it down sounds more powerful! I will give it a go and let you know :) :)

  3. Yaar, wonderful thought. Let it go is the foundation of real enlightenment !!! so let us let it go !!!
