Monday 22 August 2011

This is not a love story, it is a story about Love.

Once upon a time, all human feelings and qualities gathered in one corner of the world. When Boredom yawned the third time, Insanity suggested: "Let's play hide and seek!". Intrigue raised it’s eyebrow intrigued, and Curiosity without contain, asked: "Hide and seek? How do you play that?". Insanity explained that she will close her eyes and count to a million, while the rest will run to hide.

Enthusiasm danced enthusiastically together with Euphoria, while Happiness gave so many leaps that ended up convincing even Doubt. Only Apathy, who was never interested in anything, refused to participate in the game. Truth decided not to hide, since in the end it is always found; Pride thought it as a foolish game (it actually bothered her that the idea wasn't hers) and Cowardice didn't want to risk.

-One, two, three.... Insanity started to count. 

The first one to hide was Laziness, who let her self fall to the first rock on the way. Faith rose and hid in heaven and Envy hid in the shade of Triumph, who all by itself climbed to the top of the tallest tree.

Nobleness couldn't find quickly a good spot, because every spot it found was perfect for its friends:
A crystal clear lake for Beauty.
Cleft of the tree for Fear.
Butterfly wing for Sensuality.
A whiff of breeze for Liberty.
In the end, Nobleness hid in a sun ray.

Selfishness found a warm and cozy place, only for herself.
Lying hid at the bottom of the ocean (actually, it hid in the rainbow), while Passion and Desire were lurking in the crater of a volcano. Forgetfulness...don't even remember where she hid!

When Insanity counted up to 999999, Love was still looking for a place to 
hide, but everything was occupied. So she jumped quickly in the rosebush.

-One million!!, said Insanity and began to seek.

Laziness was the first to be found. Then, Insanity heard Faith arguing with God, while Passion and Desire were noticed by the shivering of the volcano. Afterwards, she found Envy, and guessed where Triumph hid.
Selfishness didn't even need to be found, because the place it was hiding in turned out to be a bees' nest, and the bees decided to shoo off the unwanted guest.

In the searching process, Insanity wanted to get a drink of water, went to the lake, and saw Beauty. Doubt was sitting by the fence, deciding what side it should hide on. Finally, Insanity found all but Love.
Love was nowhere to be seen.

As Insanity was just about to despair in its search for the Love, Envy came and whispered: “the Love is inside the bush of pink roses".

That said, Insanity started moving apart the branches, and suddenly sharp thorns injured Love's eyes!!
The love came outside putting her hands over her eyes with blood running from between her fingers. The Insanity shouted repentantly: “Ooh god! What did I do??!!” and continued: “What can I do to be redeemed of my sin after I made you blind??!! Insanity cried, pleaded, begged for forgiveness, and to pay off her fault, promised Love to be her guide.

Thereupon, Love is blind and Insanity leads her by the hand.

Note1: So far I have not found the author of this story. It is similar to a parable and exists in many different versions in the web. I combined these versions in a way that I feel the story sounds better. : )

Note2: Photo Source:

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