Saturday 30 July 2011

Fairness and love

When I was a kid, I used to be very fair-minded. I used to base my relationships in justice, as I thought that is the best way to deal with people and situations. Innocent and pure at heart, as I was, I could not understand why individuals act in a non-fair way. For instance, I could not understand why my mother was spending only little amount of her time praising my good marks and so much of her time trying to help my brother to raise his marks.

One summer night, while I was in children' camp, my team leader and me had a very nice chat. During that conversation, I remember, she turned to me and said: "Margie, you spend too much time being fair and you forget about love". I was shocked! I couldn't believe that someone could perceive me as a non that loving person! In reality I knew I was caring and loving from inside, but after reflecting on her words, I could understand what she wanted to say to me. A whole new world appeared in front of me!

Love is discriminatory. One should not treat an acquaintance in the same way as a friend. One should not treat his/her significant other in the same way as someone else. Love forgives and love spoils. This is not necessarily good nor is bad. It is just the way it is... That night I realised that my preoccupation to be objective and fair did not allow me to treat the people I loved, with love! Which means that ultimately I was being unfair to them!

What I decided from that time was to be fair in the way I show my love to other people!  For my beloved ones I spend much more time/effort/attention than for acquaintances. I am more willing to do sacrifices for them, fight for them and I do forgive them more easily! :)

Of course, the circle of beloved ones is is a two way process, in which you both receive and send back love. Undoubtedly, disappointments do exist. I do encounter people that let me down, but, on the other hand, my cute bunch of beloved ones have not! :) Don't they deserve a special treatment? I believe that the ones they do, they will not get spoiled; they will just appreciate. As I appreciate their love as well.

We have a set amount of energy and time everyday. May it be spent wisely.

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