Friday 8 July 2011

Are you the artist of your own life?

Good morning! :))

It's been a week since my last post, but now I have been inspired again and "I will write all down", as Shakespeare said in his Cymbeline II. =)

Yesterday, Maya Aggelou, an American author and poet, posted on her facebook status: "Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realized that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art". Wow!! What a quote!! 
Indeed, life is an adventure, our own one. We are the ones that decide if we will use crayons or watercolours. We may not get the colour we thought we would, but it's in our will to appreciate the new, 'unexpected' colour, find it beautiful or hate it forever. 

They say that an artist finds beautiful what everybody else finds it weird..and this could be an image, a song, a feeling, even an experience. We don't have to regret about past mistakes in our life- they taught us a lot.. actually never encounter them as mistakes..they are opportunities to fully experience life! =)
With the above quote, I feel that Maya Aggelou urges us not to be afraid to live! She invites us to experience life without fears,  to write our own song lyrics and sing it in our own special way. An artist experiences days of inspiration and flow, and days filled with boredom, without any ideas or motivation. And that is o.k. =) Artists know that inspiration comes and goes, like a life cycle..

I conclude with a quote from Seneca: "The whole future lies in uncertainty. Live immediately". So, till the next time, treat life as art - live imnmediately! : )


  1. I like what you write and do agree with Maya Aggelou quote!
    I'm a photographer and try to take pictures without fears and only be open minded.
    Keep up the good work at your blog.
    /Martin Lindman

  2. Martin, I'm glad you like my blog! And I'm glad you do live and work in this way =) I do appreciate a lot the art of photography and I will def. check your blog!
